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GAO Wujiu

GAO Wujiu

Male, Bachelor's degree, Senior Engineer, Chairman (legal representative) and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Baoye Group.


Male, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Senior Engineer, member of the Board of Directors, General Manager, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Baoye Group.

CHEN Yanfeng

Male, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Senior Engineer, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Baoye Group.


Male, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Senior Engineer, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Baoye Group.

JIN Jianhua

Female, Bachelor's degree, senior accountant, and chief accountant of Shanghai Baoye Group.

YU Baijun

Male, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, senior economist, and Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Baoye Group.

HE Ran

Male, Bachelor's degree, Senior Engineer, and Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Baoye Group.

LENG Xuzhong

Male, Master's degree, Engineer, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanghai Baoye Group.

CAO Jize

Male, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Senior Engineer, and Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Baoye Group.

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