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Luban Award for China Construction Engineering, or Luban Award for short, is mainly awarded to all kinds of new (expansion) construction projects that have been completed and put into use in China and abroad. Meanwhile, the project quality should reach the leading level in China, and it is the highest honor award for project quality in China's construction industry.

On April 10, 1987, China Construction Industry Federation (predecessor of China Construction Industry Association) decided to set up Luban Award for construction engineering since 1987. In 1990, our company won the first Luban Prize project and Baosteel 2050mm Hot Rolling Plant rolling workshop project.

Since 2010, Luban Award of China Construction Engineering has been selected every two years, with the total amount of each award no more than 200.

By 2019, Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. has won 43 Luban awards and won the first Luban Award for overseas projects - Malaysia China Kuantan Industrial Park 3.5 million tons of steel engineering in 2018-2019.


邵武市| 湘阴县| 白城市| 花莲市| 榆社县| 闻喜县| 岳普湖县| 玛纳斯县| 城固县| 勃利县| 陆川县| 启东市| 辽宁省| 大荔县| 宁波市| 克什克腾旗| 安陆市| 五原县| 沈阳市| 成都市| 古蔺县| 介休市| 镇远县| 时尚| 凤山市| 新津县| 吉木乃县| 平武县| 通榆县| 屯留县| 铜鼓县| 益阳市| 彭山县| 房山区| 林州市| 行唐县| 惠东县| 南川市| 丰顺县| 乡宁县| 金沙县|